Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Posters are Coming to the Regional Meeting!!

The Women and Religion Section is pleased to cohost a poster session with the Arts and Religion Section and ASOR. We welcome proposals in any area related to these program units (see separate call for papers for each). Conventional posters as well as short video presentations are acceptable. Students are especially encouraged to submit proposals. Please consider this venue for presenting your research.

The session will be held on Saturday afternoon. Each participant will be given a 4' x 8' space for their presentation. They must be present during the entire session. Depending on the number of proposals, non-monetary awards will be given (details to follow).

If you are interested in learning more about a poster session, please consult Fraser D. Neiman, “A Poster Primer: A Few Tips for Planning Your Poster Session,” SAA Bulletin 12.1:13–4, which is available for download in PDF format.

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