Friday, January 9, 2009

Special Topic Session: Arts and Religion

Susan and Louise presented in the Women and Religion Section last year. This year they are offering a special topic session. If you know of someone who may be interested in presenting or attending their session, please offer your encouragement. Here is the info on their session:

The arts have always played a part in world religions and spiritual traditions through the use of image, symbol, ritual, music, percussion, dance, poetry, theatre, story-telling (myth and folklore), architecture, and geomancy. This special topic session welcomes your proposal on any topic, from ancient to contemporary, which explores the arts and religion. Papers exploring traditional institutionalized religions, as well as world spiritual traditions (including indigenous and oral traditions) are welcome.

Proposals should be submitted electronically at the region's on-line website to the
special topic session co-chairs Susan G. Carter, Marylhurst University and The California Institute of Integral Studies, (or and Louise M. Pare,

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