Friday, February 20, 2009

ASOR Preliminary Program Announced


11:00-12:00 Beth Alpert Nakhai, University of Arizona, (,
Ancient Near Eastern Mother-and-Child Figurines: Ceramic figurines, motherhood, and religion in Late Bronze Age Canaan and Iron Age Israel are discussed for the purpose of reconstructing the lives of women in antiquity.


Presider: Gloria London, Tall al-‘Umayri Teachers’ Institute, Seattle, (

2:00-2:10 Jack Olive, Seattle University, (
In Tribute to Douglas Edwards
2:10-2:25 Bruce Meyer, (, “Did the Philistines Prepare the Way for Israel to Enter the Promised Land?”
2:25-2:30 Questions and Answers
2:30-2:45 Bonny Bazemore, Eastern Washington University,
(, “Keeper of the Keyes: Votive Female Figurines with Keys and Seals”
2:45-2:50 Questions and Answers
2:50-3:10 Panel Discussion: The use of archaeology and models in “Palestine in the Time of Jesus”
K. C. Hanson, Editor in Chief, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, OR (
Douglas E. Oakman, Professor of Religion, Pacific Lutheran University

Preliminary Program Announced!!

For the complete Preliminary Program, see

Women and Religion – Friday Afternoon
Presider: Ardy Bass, Gonzaga University, (
2:00-2:45 Nané Jordan, University of British Columbia, (, Embodying Scholarly Community: A Tale/Tail of Women’s Spirituality in the Academy (or how I came to the PNW meeting...)
2:45-3:30 Marie Goughnour Wachlin, Concordia University, (, Far Above Rubies: Women and Bible Quilts/Bible Women and Quilts
3:30-4:00 BREAK

Women and Religion- Saturday Morning
Presider: Ardy Bass, Gonzaga University, (
8:30-9:15 Valarie H. Ziegler, DePauw University, (, “Christian Domestic Discipline and Genesis 1-3: Spanking Our Way to Salvation”
9:15-10:00 Priscilla Pope-Levison, Seattle Pacific University, (, “African American Women Evangelists and Interracial Cooperation in the Progressive Era”
10:30-11:00 BREAK

Women and Religion- Saturday Afternoon
Presider: Kendra Irons, George Fox University, (
2:00-2:40 Elizabeth McCabe, Hebrew Union College, (, “A Reexamination of Phoebe in Romans 16:1-2 as a Diakonos and Prostatis: Exposing the Inaccuracies of English Translations”
2:40-3:20 Kathi Breazeale, Troy Storfjell and Britta Helm, Pacific Lutheran University, (, “Selling Wind: Sámi as Witches and Witches as Sámi in Northern European Religious Imagination”
3:20-3:50 BREAK
3:50-4:30 Lesley Hazleton, Independent Scholar, (, “The Woman at the Heart of the Shia-Sunni Split: The Ever-Controversial Aisha”
4:30-5:10 Business Meeting and Discussion of future directions