Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Roman Art at the Seattle Art Museum

Roman Art from the Louvre at the Seattle Art Museum
February 21–May 11, 2008
SAM Simonyi Special Exhibition Galleries

"This extraordinary selection of ancient art from Paris’s famed Musée du Louvre portrays nearly 300 years of imperial Roman life and history. The exhibition includes approximately 180 pieces—many that have never before traveled to the United States—from one of the richest collections of ancient Roman art in the world.

Visitors will meet emperors and members of the imperial court, elite and ordinary citizens, women and children, soldiers, gladiators, foreigners and slaves. Their lives and experiences are richly conveyed through a wide variety of media including monumental marble sculptures and reliefs, paintings and mosaics, bronze statuettes, jewelry, glass and silver implements. These objects demonstrate how the art of Rome shaped ancient life by representing its leaders and deities, defining public and private spaces, acculturating the conquered, and celebrating the dead. The exhibition also illustrates the varied roles that Roman art has played in the post-Classical period, and that it continues to play today."

For more information, see

Friday, February 15, 2008

Tentative Schedule for Regional Meeting (subject to change without notice)


First Session (2:00-5:30 p.m.)

Women and Religion: Female Divinity in World Spiritual Traditions: Contemporary Relevance for Women

Presider: Susan G. Carter, Marylhurst University, Portland, OR and California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA

2:00-2:45 Anne Key, Independent Scholar, Hood River, OR (

From Beloved Sisters to Vampires: Myths and Misinterpretations of the Cihuateteo

2:45-3:30 Susan G. Carter, Marylhurst University, Portland, OR and California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA or

Amaterasu-o-mi-kami: The Japanese Sun Goddess and Her Continuing Reign

3:30-4:00 BREAK

4:00-4:45 Chandra Alexandre, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, CA

The Tantric Kali: Eastern and Western Approaches to the Divine Mother

4:45-5:30 Louise M. Pare, New College of California, San Francisco, CA

Like a Serpent in a Rope: Re-imaging Woman’s Moving Body as Site of the Sacred Feminine


5:30-7:30 Dinner at area restaurants of your choice!

8:00-9:00 Presidential Address

9:00-10:00 Reception


7:00-8:00 Program Unit Chairs and Region Executive Committee Breakfast Meeting

Second Session (8:30-10:30 am)

Women and Religion: Genesis 1-3, Relationships, and Popular Culture

Presider: Amy C. Merrill Willis, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA (

8:30-9:10 Valarie H. Ziegler, DePauw University, Greencastle IN


That’s SO Romantic! Adam, Eve, and the Perfect Date

9:10-9:50 Linda S. Schearing, Gonzaga University, Spokane WA

Marketing Sex: Adam, Eve, and Sexploitation

9:50-10:30 Amy C. Merrill Willis, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA


Desire, Desperation, and Empowerment: The Eves of Desperate Housewives

10:30-11:00 BREAK



11:00-12:00 p.m. (No title) Name, Affiliation, Email Address, Paper Title


(Lunch and Region Business Meeting)

12:00 Boxed Lunch

12:30-1:45 Pacific Northwest AAR, SBL and ASOR Business Meeting


Third Session (2:00-5:30 pm)

Women and Religion

Presider: Ardy Bass, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA (

2:00-2:30 Samuel Awuah-Nyamekye, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, West (

Women's Participation in the Ritual of Worship in African Traditional Religion

2:30-3:00 Wynter Miller, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO (

An Investigation of the Elite Status of Women in Thai Buddhism

3:00-3:30 Anna-Sophia Zingarelli, Gonzaga University, Spokane, (

Lux vivens: Hildegard of Bingen and the Medieval Imaging of God as Light

3:20-3:50 BREAK

3:50-4:30 Kathlyn A. Breazeale, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA (

There Goes the Bride: Creating and Re-Creating the Ideal Christian Wife in Text, Art and Film

4:30-5:10 Susanna Morrill, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR

Women in the World’s Columbian Exposition: Harbingers of “Progress”

5:10-5:30 Business Meeting and/or Discussion of future directions


6:30-8:00 Banquet

8:00-9:00 Banquet Address

9:00-10:00 Reception


Fourth Session (8:30-12:00 pm)

Women and Religion: "Standard Bearers of Hussein: Women Commemorating Karbala"

Presider: Lesley Hazelton, Independent Scholar, Seattle, WA,

8:30-9:15 Film Presentation: "Standard Bearers of Hussein: Women Commemorating Karbala" by Ingvild Flaskerud, Centre for Peace Studies at the University of Tromso, 2003

9:15-10:00 Discussion

10:00-10:30 BREAK